Date: 28/7/10

Well if we didn't already have enough going on at the 2010 Jamboree, we now have a Federal Election to deal with on the same day, August 21st.

As you'll all know voting is compulsory and means that every eligible Australian citizen (18 years or older) is required by law to enrol and vote.

If a person does not vote and is unable to provide a "valid and sufficient" reason, a penalty is imposed.


So what are your options if you're coming to the Jamboree?

  • Ordinary vote
  • Absent vote
  • Early vote
  • Interstate vote on election day
  • Postal vote
  • Provisional vote

Click HERE to go to the Australian Electoral Commission website for more details.

If you are attending or competing at the Jamboree and don't want to miss a thing an "Early Vote" or "Postal vote" is probably the way to go. Locations and Times of operation of Early voting centres will be announced on the AEC website on the 2nd of August. At these centres you can vote in person before the election. If that's not possible for you a "Postal vote" maybe the way to go.

Click HERE to download an AEC Postal vote application form. Basically you fill it in and post it as soon as possible and the AEC will send you ballot papers. Then complete the ballot papers and return to the AEC by 6pm on election day. Don't leave it to late or you may end up getting fined.

This is a guide only and is to the best of our knowledge and no responsibility is taken or implied. Click HERE to go to the Australian Electoral Commission website for more details.
