Date: 11/07/15

Collin Willshire joins the leadership of Australia’s fave Fast Fours & Rotaries event

In exciting news for Jambo fans around the globe, owner of Jett Racing and prominent drag racing personality Collin Willshire has become shareholder and partner of Jamboree with event founder, Ray Box. Both Collin and Ray are stoked to combine their professional strengths after many years of mateship and interaction involving excellence in motorsport events and competition.

Jamboree has established itself in Australia as the premier event on the small car enthusiast’s calendar and Jett Racing is one of the nation’s most respected and successful race teams: clearly the leadership of both are in great hands. Collin has attended and competed in Jamboree events for the last 20 years and has been a steadfast and enthusiastic supporter over that duration.

By combining Ray’s 25 years of Jamboree management and Collin’s outstanding experience of over 16 years in business under the Willshire Enterprises Pty Ltd umbrella alongside Jett Racing’s 15 year success story, Ray & Collin aim to expand Jamboree to include events in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth in addition to the existing Brisbane and Sydney events and look forward to an exciting new concept in Jambo Nights.

The superb alliance between these two gentlemen of motorsport is a move that is certain to guarantee the continual evolvement and success of a modern, innovative and always exciting event for small car fans around the world.

Their first combined event will be the much-anticipated J25 in Brisbane on August 29, 2015 where Jamboree marks its 25th year of operation. All details can be found on or the Facebook event page – 2015 Brisbane Jamboree.