Date: 22/1/09

Welcome to the Sport Compact Groups new website. Over the Xmas New Year period we've been working hard to have it ready for 2009 and it's final done. As you'll see we've moved from a Series based website to more of an event based site.

We've redesigned the menu system so you can quickly find everything from the front page of the website. In the coming weeks our Marketplace will be open where you'll be able to pre-purchase tickets to our events at a discounted price along with Merchandise like DVD's, T-Shirts and much more. Click on the picture above to explore the new site.

I have to send a big shout out to Mick from Spot On Graphic Design for his hours and hours of work. As with any new website we'd love to hear your thoughts and please let us know if you spot any errors most likely caused by my lack of keyboard skills... :-)
